Serein, Part of Hexagon Group, the world largest CMM producer is proud to introduce a range of CMM, standard gauge, and video measuring machine and laser scanner. They are Croma, Tango, Function Plus, Pioneer, PC Dmis, etc.
For more information, you can drop us an e-mail so that we can send you the catalogue.
- Croma
- Functioin Plus
- Rumba
Probing Systems
- TESASTAR Manual Rotatory Probe Head
- TESASTAR – I Manual Indexable Probe Head
- TESTAR-I M8 Manual Indexable Probe head
- TESTAR-M Motorized Rotary Probe Head
- SVM DCC Standard
- SVM DCC Classic
- SVM Advance
Height Gauges Machine
- Pioneer Series
Compound Laser Scanner
- Laser-RE